

Ok, so this next post is going to be all about saying I'm sorry.

Aaaaaawwwhhhhh.....come on! We all LOVE to say "I'm sorry."
We all love to be wrong, right?
It feels GREAT to be wrong!

This time, I am asking you to think about being just that.
Wrong...and finding the courage to feel good about it.

We all know, deep inside, what moments we could have handled better.

Buy that card to give to someone and say it.

Say "I'm sorry."

Give someone space and distance because you're sorry.
Love yourself and surround yourself by things and people that feel good and fuzzy
and understand you in the middle of a storm...and say your sorry to yourself.

It's contagious.
I swear...
I feel relieved
someone expressing forgiveness in return....truly loves you back.

It can be outstanding to accept love and pain, together.
In our own way. In our own time.

An authentic sorry is priceless.
So are you when you offer one.

Infinite Grace.


Rachelle Urness said...

Jennifer, Hey beautiful girl! I was reading this post and reminded me of a book called the Anatomy of Peace I read. I do not know if you have read it or not, but it is about having a heart of peace and recognizing when you are in one of your boxes or others are inside theirs adn how to invite them out. I know how do you put a book into a few words. Anyways, I think you would like it. It has definately changed my life. Hugs Rachelle

Jennifer said...

Dear Rachelle,
You have sold me on this book! I will visit the local book store and pick it up. Thank you, as always, for sharing with such an open heart and mind.
Infinite Grace and a HUGE hug back,