

You hold my hand in woven devotion.
Without using shutters to see, your alluring
illustration is burned into my being.
I retrace the black strands that caress your
Goddess-mask chiseled of the purest clay,
as if the atoms are my own DNA.
I fly fluently with your
sprawled beneath...
like freshly cleansed caramel sheets
I sink into before restful sleep.
Two sets of feet independently pedaling this soul.
Two sets of veteran thighs glimmering in tranquility.
Two sets of steady guns ending in delicate grips of honor.
Emotionally united on this dark horse with belief.
We melt through a midnight tunnel,
gently lit by a contradiction of what was and WHAT IS...
I hear an echo of everything I've ever known
beating with radiant warmth,
like a scrim illuminated
by the silvery brightness of the moon's
Sand is not only tiny treasures of the Earth,
but a blanket of partnership with you.
Risks are blue cotton candy clouds suspending our womanhood,
aware that a spill just might buckle our joints.
But that's OK.
We'll simply extract nectar
from our fruit of
Jenallako LOVE...
and sip away each others pain
like a dewy, delightful cognac.

1 comment:

Patti V said...

Wow. I know there's a deeper meaning, but I want caramel and cognac :-)