
I believe in gentle harmony.

The human spirit is an enormously vast expression of infinity.
The palpable truth is...we clarify what indentation we’d like to leave.
I have heard the view in front of us is the very palate we are ready to paint with.
The more I chew on this between my very well-built teeth, the more I dare to add flavor and saturation.
When I take a moment to see someone’s soul, a moment to strap on their boots, I feel how limited my view may be.
We don’t know until we stop speaking.
We don’t know until we start speaking.
We don’t know until we step outside of our “selves” to breathe in unison.
I know joy…even in the midst of pain.
The bottom line is,
we don’t know until we know.
Enjoy yourself.
Take only what you need...

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