

A soul rained upon... will be cleansed in time and space.

A soul with a tormented past, needing to be nurtured and given time to trust in love, could block love if it doesn't feel safe. A mother, trying to protect her child, could instinctually identify a love thief and try to have them arrested. A jealous spirit, not wanting to see another be whole and happy, could try to manipulate with the power of suggestion. A moment in time of two souls entwined, surrendering deeply in love, could be brought an unforeseen separation. It's all a mystery. Until it's all revealed.

The only truth we have is the most pure understanding of our "self." The courage to face all of the fears. To learn how to ask for what we need. To learn to listen. Learn to speak our truth in the most awkward of moments. Make choices that appear to have holes to others. Yet, those holes may provide the very light we need for our eyes to see. Those holes may hold the light that heals us and sets us free in reflection.

I can not always explain what I know. Yet, I can explain it is ideal to be in a place where we find more acceptance with our differences, instead of always looking to the similarities to save us from what we don't want to see. To be in a place where the doubts are not about if we will compliment each other, but how we can successfully and consistently do so. What ever form or role we play, the respect and care of a fellow kind heart is the intension that matters most.

Seek, dear soul. I will also seek. For seekers we must remain for the unstoppable growth of US.

So many layers to this onion. This sweet onion. Let us fall in love with it's layers like it was the very first time.
I rest in silence today. My voice broken from meditation. Letting my soul be rained upon and cleansed....

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